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Agricultural Commission Minutes 10-20-09
Town of Bolton Agricultural Commission
Meeting Minutes
Date: 20 October 2009

63 Main Street
978 779-2297 or 779-3308

Joe Kovacs      779-6979        Term Exp 6/30/2010
Ken Nicewicz    779-6423        Term Exp 6/30/2010
Sue Storbeck    779-6020        Term Exp 6/30/2011
Barbara Parente 779-6303        Term Exp 6/30/2012
Betsy Taylor-Kennedy  779-5213        Term Exp 6/30/2012

A meeting of the Bolton Agricultural Commission was held on 20 October 2009 at Town Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:36 pm.  Commission members in attendance were:  Joe Kovacs, Ken Nicewicz, Sue Storbeck, Barbara Parente, Betsy Taylor-Kennedy.

No reports from liaisons to town Boards/Commissions.

Working Session:
  • Action: Barbara will collect and post all minutes from CY’09 on our website
  • Board liaisons:
  • Betsy will be our liaison to the Conservation Trust (as she’s already on that board)
  • Barbara will be our liaison to the Conservation Commission
  • Other board liaisons will remain the same (Ken – Selectmen; Joe – Planning; Sue – Board of Health)
Current business:
  • Right to Farm signs:
  • Action: Joe will give Sue contact who is doing this for all Ag Comms; Sue will get two signs and work with Harold Brown and Selectmen to install.
  • Protection of Large Farms:
  • Rob Held will remain involved and will work with the Conservation Trust & our commission in the effort to protect large farms.
  • Directional farm stand signs at Rte 495 exit ramps:
  • Action: Ken and Betsy will lead this; rest of our team provide them with ideas or take pictures of  effective and pleasing signs they’ve seen.
  • Ag Comm website:
  • Action: Joe will collect ideas for content
  • Action: Barbara will contact Linda Day to establish link to town website and to update other information on the site.
  • 2nd annual Ag Comm-sponsored holiday sale
  • Action: Sue to coordinate with Barbara to confirm Great Brook Farms and participants;
  • Action: Barbara to handle communications - write/distribute press release for the Common, communication fliers, and set up town sign at Police Station.
New Business:
  • Anticipated FY”10 budget is $1800 (to be confirmed)
  • Expenditures:  
  • $75 – Bolton Fair table
  • Unanimous vote to spend the following for the holiday sale: $75 – music; $150 – Great Brook Farm venue  (receipts required)
Next meeting: add new ideas to our list of possible FY’10 activities for consideration

Meeting was adjourned at 9:07 pm.